On the Feast of All Saints, we were blessed by the birth our lovely daughter, Cecily Rose Spiering. She was born at 7:41 pm, weighing 9 lb. 14 oz., 23 inches long. We named her Cecily after St. Cecilia, whose feast day is the 22 of this month. Rose is for our Lady; we thought she would be born in October, which is the month of the Holy Rosary. St. Therese's Feast day is at the beginning of October; one of her best known quotes is, "I will spend my time in Heaven doing good on earth. . . . I will send down a shower of roses." Cecily missed October by one day, but she got something even better: the Feast of All Saints and Angels. Rose is also after Craig's dear Grandmother Rosie. She is the sweetest most unassuming woman. We pray that our little Cecily Rose is blessed with her sweet temperament.
Thanks to my mother for coming and helping with the other children. I don't know how we would be getting by without her help. Also, a huge thanks to Tierney and Lori, the midwives of Marshall Midwifery for assisting at her birth. They had confidence in me to deliver this baby naturally and at home, even if she was "over due". The birth was fast and uneventful--meaning nothing went wrong. "Nothing went wrong" actually means that it went wonderfully! She was big, but not too big for little me to have naturally. In fact, she was born with only two pushes and not a tear or stretch! I give thanks to God for a quickly, healthy delivery and a beautiful, healthy baby girl.
Craig and I were pretty set on this name for a baby girl, but we couldn't decide on a boys name. As the due date approached, and passed, and the days, then weeks began to pass, each male saint got his chance to have the baby named after him: Sts. Mark, James, Simon, Jude, Crispin, and Blessed Charles of Austria were all saints names we were inclined toward, but none of them answered our prays for the birth of this child. Now, we see that they knew she was a girl and we didn't; I have to admit that I was a little miffed with those guys :) but now I see that my plans are not God's.

On the Feast of All Saints, we were blessed by the birth our lovely daughter, Cecily Rose Spiering. She was born at 7:41 pm, weighing 9 lb. 14 oz., 23 inches long. We named her Cecily after St. Cecilia, whose feast day is the 22 of this month. Rose is for our Lady; we thought she would be born in October, which is the month of the Holy Rosary. St. Therese's Feast day is at the beginning of October; one of her best known quotes is, "I will spend my time in Heaven doing good on earth. . . . I will send down a shower of roses." Cecily missed October by one day, but she got something even better: the Feast of All Saints and Angels. Rose is also after Craig's dear Grandmother Rosie. She is the sweetest most unassuming woman. We pray that our little Cecily Rose is blessed with her sweet temperament.
Thanks to my mother for coming and helping with the other children. I don't know how we would be getting by without her help. Also, a huge thanks to Tierney and Lori, the midwives of Marshall Midwifery for assisting at her birth. They had confidence in me to deliver this baby naturally and at home, even if she was "over due". The birth was fast and uneventful--meaning nothing went wrong. "Nothing went wrong" actually means that it went wonderfully! She was big, but not too big for little me to have naturally. In fact, she was born with only two pushes and not a tear or stretch! I give thanks to God for a quickly, healthy delivery and a beautiful, healthy baby girl.
Craig and I were pretty set on this name for a baby girl, but we couldn't decide on a boys name. As the due date approached, and passed, and the days, then weeks began to pass, each male saint got his chance to have the baby named after him: Sts. Mark, James, Simon, Jude, Crispin, and Blessed Charles of Austria were all saints names we were inclined toward, but none of them answered our prays for the birth of this child. Now, we see that they knew she was a girl and we didn't; I have to admit that I was a little miffed with those guys :) but now I see that my plans are not God's.

Congratulations, Jamie! Her name and her little face are both beautiful. And yay for a natural birth. :) Good job! Hope you and your little ones are adjusting nicely and smoothly. ;) God bless!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Jamie! She is so beautiful! I am so grateful that your birth experiance was such a wonderful one!