
Welcome to the Spiering Family website. This is our new blog. For older posts, please go here: http://www.freewebs.com/jaeljud/

Thursday, March 31, 2022


We have so much going on here, it is hard to find the time to write and let you know about the things we have available. What a wonderful blessing it is to have new life and all the colors and wonders of spring has Easter approaches.

We are excited to take part in the inaugural year of DL Market. Dynamic Life Christian Church is hosting a farmers market in their parking lot the first and third Saturdays of each month beginning in April and going through November. We are so busy with school and farm work that we will not be there April 2nd, but we are excited to participate at least once a month through the summer and hopefully into the fall. There will be many local vendors there and I highly encourage you to visit and support local artisans.  

We will also be at the Browntown Redbud Festival on April 23nd. We will have our Goods, as well as a plant sale to support  Divinum Auxilium Academy.  The students are working hard to have herbs, tomatoes, greens, and some perennials available.  We will also have marigold seeds, grown, gathered, and packaged by the students.  

Chicks have hatched! We have over two dozen adorable, fluffy one day old chicks. They are a barnyard variety including Easter Eggers, black Laced Wyandotte, Rhode Island red, and black Australorp. All of them appear to be heavy on Easter Egger.  You have no way of telling whether they are hens or roosters, but if you end up with roosters you do not want, we are happy to take them back. $3/chick.

Baby bunnies will be available just after Easter. They are so tiny we have hardly seen them yet, but we see the fur in the mama rabbits nests moving, so we know all is well. If you are interested, we can let you know what colors and sex are available. $35 / bunny.

Baby goats are bouncing around and bringing Joy to all! This is Sepha and Bepo, born on the Feast of St. Joseph.  We also have little Rosie Posey, our first Mini Saanen doeling, who has is a little bashful and hasn't posed for a picture yet.  We have one more doe yet to kid, so we will introduce the the next kid/kids soon.  With the birth of kids, comes goat milk. We have a goat share agreement if you are interested in milk. 

If you are interested in goats, please see our Craigslist add and get in touch with me.  We would love to see these guys go to a great home.  

With so much going on here and kids in two different schools, I will not be able to make individual deliveries. Please contact me and arrange to pick up on the farm if you are interested in goat milk or cheese, bread (white, whole wheate, spelt, or einkorn)

Aine, 14 years old has earnings and fairy dolls available for sale. 

Doll $10

Bead earings  $5

Clay earrings  $10