
Welcome to the Spiering Family website. This is our new blog. For older posts, please go here: http://www.freewebs.com/jaeljud/

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Summer soccer


And some photos from the kids playing soccer this summer.  Which child do you think the coach thought was a soccer all-star in the making?  Not the one you're thinking . . .

Nope not this one either.  

Coach thinks Aine is a born soccer player!  She is small, coordinated (for being 5), and fast.  


She would have chosen soccer practice over ballet class! 

They all had a blast, even the wee ones.


Cecily's 1st day of school

I guess this seems like Cecily's blog!  Ha, ha!  It just works out that these are the photos I have and this is the time I have to post them.  Cecily began Atrium with her three older siblings this Fall.  She was so very excited.  It is a very special time for her, getting to do her own works on her own schedule.  

God bless!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

All Saints Day~Cecily 3 years old

I just posted the photos from Cecily's 1st birthday, so I should get these posted to see how much they all have grown:

Advent and St. Andrew


Blessed feast of  St.Andrew to you!  Please join me in saying the St. Andrew's Christmas Novena.

Say it 15 times each day until Christmas to help prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ Child.

Hail and blessed be the hour and moment In which the Son of God was born Of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold. In that hour vouchsafe, I beseech Thee, O my God, to hear my prayer and grant my desires, [here mention your request] through the merits of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of His blessed Mother. Amen.

Here is a bit about this humble saint, who always pointed toward Christ rather than himself:  
St. Andrew was a native of Bethsaida in Galilee, a fisherman by trade, and a former disciple of John the Baptist. He was the one who introduced his brother Peter to Jesus, saying, "We have found the Messiah." Overshadowed henceforth by his brother, Andrew nevertheless appears again in the Gospels as introducing souls to Christ. After Pentecost, Andrew took up the apostolate on a much wider scale, and is said to have been martyred at Patras in southern Greece on a cross which was in the form of an "X". This type of cross has long been known as "St. Andrew's cross."
from http://www.catholicculture.org/culture/liturgicalyear/calendar/day.cfm?date=2013-11-30

image from http://newtheologicalmovement.blogspot.com/2010/11/st-andrew-apostle-of-cross-and-father.html

With this great saint, Holy Mother Church begins the new year and the season of Advent.  I'm sorry I'm not doing much of my own writing for this post, but this mama is tired, and others have said it so well already!  Jodi posted an excerpt from fisheaters.com at our homeschool co-op blog and I thought it was certainly worth sharing--as I watch our neighbors put up their Christmas lights and outdoor decorations.  :)  This time of year is fraught with opportunities to share the faith!  We don't have to be a scrooge about Christmas before it happens.  We should still have joy, but it is more the anticipation of the joy, rather than the celebration and experience of it.

Catholic apologist Jacob Michael wrote something very interesting about how secular America sees "Christmas" as beginning after Thanksgiving and ending on 25 December, and then makes "New Years Resolutions" at the beginning of the secular year:
...what Christians do (or should be doing!) during Advent and leading up to Christmas is a foreshadowing of what they will do during the days of their lives that lead up to the Second Coming; what non-Christians refuse to do during Advent, and put off until after Christmas, is precisely a foreshadowing of what they will experience at the Second Coming.

We Christians are to prepare for the Coming of Christ before He actually comes -- and that Coming is symbolized and recalled at Christmas. Non-Christians miss this season of preparation, and then scramble for six days after the 25th to make their resolutions. By then, however, it's too late -- Christmas has come and gone, Our Lord has already made His visitation to the earth, and He has found them unprepared. This is precisely what will take place at the Second Coming, when those who have put off for their entire lives the necessary preparations will suddenly be scrambling to put their affairs in order. Unfortunately, by then it will have been too late, and there will be no time for repentance. The Second Coming will be less forgiving than the Incarnation. There will be no four-week warning period before the Second Coming, like we get during Advent. There will be no six-day period of grace after the Second Coming during which to make resolutions and self-examination, like the secular world does from Dec. 26 until Jan.1.  from
Let's not fall into that mentality, shall we?  Let us, together, prepare our hearts and homes for God to come and be with us.  Let's also tell our neighbors why we don't have our decorations up.  They might be looking for just that meaning to be put back into their lives.  Shall we offer them the Christ Child?  What could be a better Christmas gift?!

And last but certainly not least, someone reminded me that today is nine days before the feast of the Immaculate Conception which means there is just enough time to say a novena to prepare for the feast day!  Here is a seemingly wonderful (I just signed-up) site that will send the novena prayers to you everyday, which is very helpful if you are like me and end up printing a ga-zillion-and-two copies, er or maybe nine, because I misplace it each day and don't want to take the time to look for it because if I don't say the novena right then, it's not going to happen!  Anyway, my bad habits aside, here's the link: http://www.praymorenovenas.com/immaculate-conception-novena/#ixzz2m9V9wS00

A blessed Advent to you all!  He is coming!  Prepare the way of the Lord!

Friday, August 30, 2013

House hunting . . .


Well, we've been planning on moving.  When we moved into out house, we said we were on the 3-5 year plan for getting out.  Well, we've been on that plan for seven years now and it sure does seem like the time is ripe for moving out.  We've had several false starts, a few high hopes, but we're still here.

Right now the rental market here in Front Royal is booming, which is great for us because we want to rent this house out.  On the other hand, it's not so great, because we want to find to rental to live in while we gain rental income history so we can purchase something that we really want.  At this point, our mortgage payment is lower than the rent for every house that would be possible for us.  So, we are looking at buying something cheap.  The problem with that is then we own it!  We're not sure we want to own two houses that are not really the home we are looking for.

Please keep us in prayer as we search for the Spiering home (for a year or so) and look for people who will LOVE to rent this house.  It's great, if you like old houses with lots of garden beds to tend!  :)

On a completely different (sort of) topic, have you heard that the cause for G. K. Chesterton's sainthood is officially being sought?  I guess it's not OFFICIAL yet, but the local bishop has agreed to begin working for it.  You can read more about it here:
How wonderful is that?  I was thinking of him, Chesterton that is, and the irony of the situation we are in.  In the middle of this conundrum, I hear about the movement for his cause!  I have begun praying for his help in this matter.  I am sure, if he's able, he will help this come out, not only right, but as a manifestation of God's Glory in a way that we had never dream.  I would assume he will get some converts along the way as well.  He's good at that; MUCH better than I am.

G. K. Chesterton, Pray for us!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

John Paul


Well, when I'm on a roll, I might as well keep going, right?  Well, I have been meaning to get the word out about this little guy for awhile.  My friends Jill and Patrick's 5th son (that's typed correctly:FIVE BOYS!!!)  has a rare condition in which he was born with shortened arms and bones missing or fused together in his legs.  He is such and amazingly happy little man, you would never know the challenges he faces by the grin on his face.

Craig did a portraiture session of their family and after that we had dinner.  It was a lovely time with this lovely family.

Patrick and Jill are such loving parents and John Paul couldn't have been given to a more welcoming family.

I mean, these boys dote on John Paul!  It's SO sweet to see!  I wanted to get the word out that Azalea Charities http://azaleacharities.com/charities/Storey.shtml is having a fundraiser for help put an addition on to their home which would make it handicapped accessible.  If you are interested in helping this family, please pray, of course!  You can get more of John Paul's story (no pun intended!) at Jill's super cute blog http://dulcedomum.wordpress.com/.

Today is the feast of St. Augustine, and at Mass (yes, we actually went to a daily Mass!  I think it was the first time since Charles was born) the homily was about hope.  If there was ever a reason to hope, it is revealed in the love of this family and this little life.

Blessed John Paul II, Pray for us!
St. Francis, Pray for us!
St. Augustine, Pray for us!

Charles Thomas, 6 mo. old


Of course it has been six months since I've posted!  It wouldn't really be true to character for me if I posted more often than that, right?

Kids growing . . .


Working with one hand here, but I wanted to share these photos of the kids.